Child Marriage Research Database
The Global Child Marriage Research Database created by GreeneWorks over the past four years has become a public resource. Covering research on child marriage from 2000 to the present, the database now contains over 1700 studies in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. GreeneWorks offered the core data to Girls Not Brides making it searchable via GNB’s online Atlas of Child Marriage. GreeneWorks is also a lead partner with UNICEF’s Innocenti Center, synthesizing research for reports and country briefs to inform Phase III of the Global Programme to End Child Marriage.
We have published important systematic and scoping analyses using the database:
Siddiqi M, Greene ME. (2022). “Mapping the field of child marriage: Evidence, gaps and future directions from a large-scale systematic scoping review, 2000-2019.” J. Adol Health Volume 70, Issue 3, Supplement, March 2022, Pages S9-S16.
Greene, ME, M Siddiqi and TF Abularrage. (2023). “Systematic Scoping Review of Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Child Marriage Across Africa: Progress, Gaps, and Priorities.” BMJ Open 2023;:1–12. doi: bmjopen-2022-061315. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Greene, ME, J Edmeades, M Siddiqi. (2024). “The scope, range and effectiveness of interventions to address social norms to prevent and delay child marriage and empower adolescent girls: A systematic review.” BMJ Open 2024; 14:e071275. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-071275
Ricker, CL, Earn, S, Das, M, and ME Greene. (2023). “The Right to Leave: Dissolution of Child, Early, and Forced Marriages and Unions.” Adolescents 2023, 3(3), 490-507; https://doi.org/10.3390/adolescents3030035.
Koski, A, M Siddiqi, ME Greene. (2024). “Re-emphasizing the Individual Components of 'Child, Early, and Forced Marriage'.” The International Journal of Human Rights.
Siddiqi, M, ME Greene, A Stoppel and C Allegar. (2024). “Interventions to address the health and well-being of married children: A systematic review.” Global Health Science and Practice.