

AJWS,  IWHC, CARE, GreeneWorks. 2016. Expert Working Meeting on Sexuality and CEFM. Washington, DC and New York: AJWS,  IWHC, CARE, GreeneWorks. 

Child Marriage Research Network. 2015. Child, Early and Forced Marriage and the Control of Sexuality and Reproduction. Washington, DC: Child Marriage Research Network.

Greene, Margaret E. and Omar J. Robles. 2013. A Sustainable, Thriving Cocoa Sector for Future Generations: The business case for why women matter and what to do about it. A report prepared for Mars Chocolate.

Greene, Margaret, E. Omar J. Robles, Krista Stout and Tanja Suvilaakso. 2012. A Girl’s Right to Learn Without Fear: Working to End Gender-Based Violence at School. Toronto: Plan Canada.

Jain, Saranga, Margaret E. Greene, Zayid Douglas, Myra Betron, and Katherine Fritz. 2011. Compendium of programs in Africa series: Case Studies on HIV & gender in Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and Mozambique. Arlington, VA: USAID’s AIDS Support and Technical Assistance Resources, AIDSTAR-One.

Caro, Deborah, Margaret E. Greene, Vasudha Pangare and Roshmi Goswami. 2010. Gender Assessment: USAID/India. Washington, DC: DevTech Systems.

Greene, Margaret E. and Andrew Levack. 2010. Synchronizing Gender Strategies: A Cooperative Model for Gender Transformation. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau for the Interagency Gender Working Group of USAID.

Greene, Margaret E. Laura Cardinal and Eve Goldstein-Siegel. 2010. Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development. Washington, DC: ICRW.

Levine, Ruth Cynthia B. Lloyd, Margaret E. Greene and Caren Grown. 2009. Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action Agenda. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.


The Future of Twelve: A Discussion on the Status of Girls. WomenWinning, Minneapolis, MN, October 2010.

The Girl Effect (Keynote address). General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Cleveland, Ohio, June 2009.

Gender Inequality and the Demographic Dividend (with Jeffrey Edmeades and Anju Malhotra). Population Association of America annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2008.

Integrating a Gender Perspective into Reproductive Health Programs: Does It Make a Difference to Outcomes (with Carol Boender, Karen Hardee, Diana Santana, Diana Santillán, and Sidney Schuler). Population Association of America annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, April 2008

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Ending Child Marriage


Shared Roots, Different Branches. 2022. invites activists, practitioners, researchers to reframe child marriage, reconsider what it’ll take to end the harmful practice, and reinforce girls’ and boys’ rights worldwide.

Research on Child Marriage in 2016: What Did We Learn? GreeneWorks Meg Greene and Girls Not Brides Ellen Travers weigh in....

Child Marriage Research Network. 2016. Expert Working Report on Sexuality and Child, Early, and Force Marriage. Washington, DC: GreeneWorks.

Child Marriage Research Network. 2016. Child, Early and Forced Marriage and the Control of Sexuality and Reproduction Research Brief. Washington, DC: GreeneWorks.

Greene, Margaret E. and Stephanie Perlson. 2016. Child Marriage: Emerging Trends in the Media. Washington, DC: GreeneWorks.

Greene, Margaret E. and Stephanie Perlson. 2015. Child Marriage: Emerging Trends In The Media. Washington, DC: GreeneWorks. Reflect on the summary report, watch the abridged video, be inspired by media activism from around the world, and join the conversation at #Lead4Girls.

Greene, Margaret E., Stephanie Perlson, Alice Taylor, and Giovanna Lauro. 2015. Engaging Men and Boys to Address the Practice of Child Marriage. Washington, DC: GreeneWorks.

Greene, Margaret E.,  Giovanna Lauro, and Alice Taylor. 2015. Yes, Girls Do Marry As Children And Adolescents In Latin America. Washington, DC: InterAmerican Development Bank. 

Greene, Margaret E. 2014. Ending Child Marriage in a Generation: What Research is Needed? New York: Ford Foundation and Washington, DC: GreeneWorks. Ford conducted a brief author interview as a report overview.  

Fussell, M. Elizabeth, and Margaret E. Greene. 2006. Demographic Trends Affecting the World’s Youth. In Sherrod, Lonnie R., ed., Youth Activism: An International Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Mathur, Sanyukta, Margaret Greene and Anju Malhotra. 2003. Too Young To Wed: The Lives, Rights and Health of Young Married Girls. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women.


Making the case for a global campaign to end child marriage. Presentation to The Elders, Johannesburg, SA, May 2010.

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Working with men and boys to promote gender equality and improve health


Levtov R, van der Gaag N, Greene M, Kaufman M, and Barker G (2015). State of the World’s Fathers. Washington, DC: Promundo, Rutgers, Save the Children, Sonke Gender Justice, and the MenEngage Alliance. Executive Summary | Resumen y recomendaciones.

Barker, Gary, Margaret E. Greene, et al. 2012. Men Who Care: A Multi-Country Qualitative Study of Men in Non-Traditional Caregiving Roles. Washington, D.C.: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Promundo.

Greene, Margaret E. and Gary Barker. 2011. Masculinity and Its Public Health Implications for Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention, in Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health, Richard Parker and Marni Sommer, Eds. London: Routledge.

Greene, Margaret E. and Gary Barker. 2011. ¿Que Tienen que Ver Los Hombres con Esto? Reflexiones Sobre La Inclusión De Los Hombres y Las Masculinidades en Las Políticas Públicas para Promover La Equidad De Género, in Masculinidades y Políticas Públicas: Involucrando Hombres en la Equidad de Género, Michele Sadler and Francisco Aguayo, Eds. Santiago: Universidad de Chile.

Barker, Gary, Margaret E. Greene, et al. 2010. What Men Have to Do with It: Public Policies to Promote Gender Equality. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women.

United Nations Population Fund. 2005. The State of World Population 2005: The Promise of Equality: Gender Equity, Reproductive Health and the MDGs. New York: UNFPA. (section on Partnering with Boys and Men)

Greene, Margaret E., and Ann E. Biddlecom. 2000. Absent and Problematic Men: Demographic Accounts of Male Reproductive Roles. Population and Development Review 26(1): 81-115.

Greene, Margaret E., Diane Rubino, Megan Drennan (Eds.) 1999. HIM: Helping Involve Men. An Essential Library of Readings on Men and Reproductive Health. (CD-ROM) Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs: Baltimore, MD.


Because I Am a Girl 2011: What About the Boys? (keynote address). Plan Finland launch. Helsinki, September 2011.

UNIFEM and MenEngage Panel on Engaging Men to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, including in the context of HIV and AIDS. Commission on the Status of Women, New York, NY March 2010.

Involving Men to Improve Reproductive Health for All (keynote address). International conference supported by USAID Interagency Gender Working Group, Washington, DC, September 2003.

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Reproductive Health and Rights


Greene, Margaret E. and Thomas W. Merrick. 2015. A Business Case for Investing in Research on Adolescent Access to and Use of Contraception. Washington, DC: Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health.

Svanemyr, Joar, Avni Amin, Omar J Robles, and Margaret E. Greene. 2015. Creating an Enabling Environment for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A framework and promising approaches. Journal of Adolescent Health 56(1S): S7-S14. See related blog post here.

Greene, Margaret E., Jill Gay, Gwendolyn Morgan, Regina Benevides, Fariyal Fikree. 2014. Reaching Young First-Time Parents for the Healthy Spacing of Second and Subsequent Pregnancies. Washington, DC: Evidence to Action Project.

Greene, Margaret E., Omar J. Robles, Sandeep Bathala and Lauren Herzer Risi. 2013. Delivering Success: Scaling Up Solutions for Maternal Health. Washington, DC:  Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Greene, Margaret E., Omar J. Robles, and Shareen Joshi. 2012. By Choice not by Chance: Family Planning, Human Rights and Development (State of World Population 2012). New York: UNFPA.

Greene, Margaret E. and Calyn M. Ostrowski. 2011. Delivering Solutions: Advancing Policy Dialogue to Improve Maternal Health. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Jain, Saranga, Margaret E. Greene, Zayid Douglas, Myra Betron, and Katherine Fritz. 2011. AIDSTAR Africa Gender Compendium Case Study Series*. Arlington, VA: USAID’s AIDS Support and Technical Assistance Resources, AIDSTAR-One, Task Order 1.* (All titles in series except Emergency Planning for HIV Treatment Access in Conflict Settings.)

Murphy, Elaine, Margaret E. Greene, Alexandra Mihailovic, and Peter Olupot-Olupot. 2006. Was the ‘ABC’ Approach (Abstinence, Being Faithful, Using Condoms) Responsible for Uganda’s Decline in HIV? PLOS Medicine, September 12.

Greene, Margaret E. and Thomas W. Merrick. 2005. Poverty Reduction: Does Reproductive Health Matter? Washington, DC: World Bank.

Turnbull, Wendy, Margaret E. Greene, Jennifer Dusenberry, Barbara Crane and Valerie De Fillipo, with Rachael Pine and Cara Hesse. 2003. Access Denied: US Restrictions on International Family Planning (Case studies of Mexico City Policy impact.) Washington, DC: Population Action International.

Chaya, Nada, Beverly Johnston, Robert Engelman, Sally Ethelston and Margaret E. Greene. 2001. A World of Difference: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Risks. Washington, DC: Population Action International.


The Funders Network on Population and Reproductive Health and Rights, Albuquerque, NM, November 2010.

Effects of adolescent pregnancy and childbearing on girls’ prospects: A review of literature (with Thomas W. Merrick). Tackling Adolescent Reproductive Health: Impacts and Interventions to Address Them (World Bank meeting) Washington, DC, December 2009.

Forgotten Families: Ending the Growing Crisis Confronting Children and Working Parents in the Global Economy (Author meets critics panel, with Jody Heymann). Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, PA, March 2007.

Poverty Reduction: Does Reproductive Health Matter (with Thomas W. Merrick.) Woodrow Wilson Center, Environmental Change and Security Project, Washington, DC, January 2006.

Reframing Reproductive Rights (keynote address). Conference organized at George Washington University, Washington, DC, March 2006.

Poverty Reduction: Does Reproductive Health Matter (with Thomas W. Merrick). Population Association of America, Philadelphia, PA, April 2005.

Marriage and Women’s Health: Evidence from the Developing World. Centers for Disease Control’s Conference on Women and Infectious Disease, Atlanta, GA, March 2004.

Education and Fertility—How Are They Linked? For the National Academies of Science, Washington, DC, March 2002.

Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa: History and Prospects (with Fred Sai, Nada Chaya, Carolyn Vogel, and Ellen Davis). WHO Africa Regional Office Reproductive Health Taskforce meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, October, 2002.

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Adolescents and Young People


Greene, Margaret E. and Irit Houvras. Forthcoming. Policy Development Supporting Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health: Nine Countries’ Experiences. New York: UNFPA.

Greene, Margaret E. and Thomas W. Merrick. 2015. A Business Case for Investing in Research on Adolescent Access to and Use of Contraception. Washington, DC: Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health.

Svanemyr, Joar, Avni Amin, Omar J Robles and Margaret E. Greene. 2015. Creating an Enabling Environment for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A framework and promising approaches. Journal of Adolescent Health 56(1S): S7-S14. (See related blog post.)

Greene, Margaret E., Jill Gay, Gwendolyn Morgan, Regina Benevides, Fariyal Fikree. 2014. Reaching Young First-Time Parents for the Healthy Spacing of Second and Subsequent Pregnancies. Washington, DC: Evidence to Action Project.

Greene, Margaret E., Omar J. Robles, K Stout and T Suvilaakso. 2012. A Girl’s Right to Learn Without Fear: Working to End Gender-Based Violence at School. Toronto: Plan Canada.

Greene, Margaret E., and Andrew Levack. 2010. Synchronizing Gender Strategies: A Cooperative Model for Gender Transformation. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau

Greene, Margaret E., Anjala Kanesathasan, Gwennan Hollingworth and Eve Goldstein-Siegel. 2010. On the Map: Charting the Landscape of Girl Work. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women.

Greene, Margaret E., Laura Cardinal and Eve Goldstein-Siegel. 2010. Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development. Washington, DC: ICRW.

Greene, Margaret E., and Tom W. Merrick. 2010. Adolescent Sexual Activity and Childbearing in Developing Countries: Recent Evidence of the Impact on Health and Development Outcomes. Paper prepared for World Bank strategy on reproductive health. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Levine, Ruth Cynthia B. Lloyd, Margaret E. Greene and Caren Grown. 2009. Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action Agenda. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.


Addressing Social Constructs to Improve Adolescent Health (Webinar). Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, February 2012.

The Girl Effect (Keynote addess). General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Cleveland, Ohio, June 2009.

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Agriculture, Environment and Food Security


Greenberg, Brian and Margaret E. Greene. 2004. Demography’s Ecological Frontier: Rethinking the ‘Nature’ of the Household and Community. In Categories and Contexts: Anthropological and Historical Studies in Critical Demography, Simon Szreter, (Ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

United Nations Population Fund. 2004. The State of World Population 2004: The Cairo Consensus at Ten: Population, Reproductive Health and the Global Effort to End Poverty. New York: UNFPA. (chapter on men and reproductive health)


Beyond the Malthusian Legacy: A Demographic Approach to Social Ecology (with Brian Greenberg). International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Congress, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, August 2001.

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ICT for Social Inclusion

Dasgupta, Shib S. 2013. “The Cyber Capability Framework: A Tool to Evaluate ICT for Development Projects,” in Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Developments and Applications, Isabel Maria Miranda & Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, (Eds.). New York: IGI Publication.

Dasgupta, Shib S. 2011. “A Multi-level Analysis of the National e-Governance Plan in India,” E-Gov Journal, April.

Dasgupta, Shib S. 2011. “Beyond the Non-Political Views of e-Governance,” The Statesman, February 11.

Dasgupta, Shib S. 2011. “Order Outside but Chaos Within: A Cyber Capability Analysis of the National e-Governance Plan in India,” Information Technology in
Developing Countries.

Dasgupta, Shib S. 2003. “More to the World than Digital Divide,” Deccan Herald, July 16.

Dasgupta, Shib S. 2003. “Corporate Philanthropy with a Digital Twist,” Business Times, July 30.

Dasgupta, S.S. 2003. “Digitizing the World of Hunger,” Deccan Herald, September 17.

Dasgupta, S.S. 2003. “Behind the Politics of Job Migration,” South China Morning Post, October 7.

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