GreeneWorks has produced a systematic scoping database of research on child, early and forced marriage across all geographies in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese for the period 2000-2022. Our systematic search of seven databases and hand searches of 15 key institutions has yielded over 1700 publications, an unexploited trove of actionable insight into what works to prevent child marriage and support married children as well as describe trends, strengths, and gaps in global research on child marriage.
A number of studies have been published or are currently underway using the database.
Greene, ME, M Siddiqi and TF Abularrage. (2023). Systematic Scoping Review of Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Child Marriage Across Africa: Progress, Gaps, and Priorities. BMJ Open 2023;:1–12. doi: bmjopen-2022-061315. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Siddiqi M, Greene ME. (2022). Mapping the field of child marriage: Evidence, gaps and future directions from a large-scale systematic scoping review, 2000-2019. J. Adol Health Volume 70, Issue 3, Supplement, March 2022, Pages S9-S16.
Greene ME, Siddiqi M. (2021). Detailed study protocol for systematic scoping review of research on child marriage, 2000–2019. BMJ Open2021;0:e043845. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043845.
Greene, ME, J Edmeades, M Siddiqi. (under review). Addressing social norms to prevent child marriage and empower adolescent girls: A systematic review.
Siddiqi, M, ME Greene, A Stoppel and C Allegar. (under review). Interventions to address the health and well-being of married children: A systematic review.
Ricker, CL, S Earn, M Das and ME Greene. (under review). "The Right to Leave: Dissolution of child, early, and forced marriages and unions.”
GreeneWorks seeks funding to continue to build the database and to conduct new analyses. To aid policymakers and advocates working on behalf of the millions of girls and boys around the world who marry as children, we are working to leverage the database and respond to request for analyses of specific themes and geographies. In concise reports with gorgeous visuals, we are able to distill actionable policy insights tailored to clients’ institutional priorities and to contribute to better coordination of the global agenda for child marriage research.